Science & Technology

“Look wide, beyond your immediate surroundings and limits, and you will see things in their right proportion. Look above the level of things around you and see a higher aim and possibility to your work”.
Lord Robert Baden-Powell

Science is the study  of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Technology is the manipulation of this scientific knowledge in a practical way.  Conducting simple science experiments are a great way to introduce Guides to basic scientific concepts and their applications in the real world.

Newspaper Islandnnewspaper scrap

This is an activity that has been used by Guide leaders for many years.  The idea is to encourage the girls to be creative in their thinking and work as a team, whilst being able to adapt simple objects into creative alternatives! For an easy and inexpensive meeting try the Newspaper Island Session.

Promoting Guiding Using Technical Equipmentipad

The iPad is capable of shooting great videos and has easy to use video editing software. The Guides will really enjoy having free reign to create a short motivational film which endorses the ethos of Guiding.  Promoting Guiding Using Technical Equipment.

Science Experiments

balloon experiment

Simple Science Experiments using every day items are an inspiring and creative way to introduce children to the laws of physics and chemistry and demonstrate how they can advance technical processes.

Mâché Mania

Constructing a useful item from recycled materials is an art form and a skill. Papier-Mâché is easy to make, extremely versatile and can be modelled into anything, including a decorative pretty bowl. Try making some simple Papier-Mâché! paper mache

Communication Methods 

Over the years, science and technology has assisted many different forms of different communication methods to evolve.

Refer to the “Codes & Ciphers” and Communication” Sections of Thunderation Thoughts to learn about Phonetics, Morse, Braille and other innovative ideas on how to convey information! Think also about finding a pen pal and corresponding using email or a letter.